Month: February 2008

  • Working and learning.

    I have had a very interesting week! Dave went to Bangkok on Monday so the mouse played a little!!! Monday started normally with me going to Pilate’s, I keep slogging away at the weight/fitness but seem to be getting nowhere! Tuesday it had been arranged that Siow Ping would pick Sylvia and I up and…

  • additions and Kabuki

    I have just added some stuff to my earlier post about Japan. While in Japan we decided we would like to experience Japanese theater the easiest to understand is Kabuki: it is dramatic, colourful and the plots are easy to comprehend if you don’t speak the language. Going to a Kabuki theater is an experience…

  • Lantern Festival

    New year celebrations over it’s now on to Lantern Festival for the next couple of weeks. A riot of colour in various places around the city and the island, and a time when you are likely tosee a flood of the sky-lanterns (4 foot columns of paper launched with a petrolium ring aflame in its…

  • Off to the beach

    Chinese new year is a time when Taipei is very quiet – most taiwanese go back to their families, around the Island, for a week. We decided to take the opportunity to get away, to try and find some sun. Since I had to get a new visa we decided to go to Thailand, and…

  • Where have I been? Not here obviously!A lot to catch up with but I must write about today first. We went to mass, as we usually do on Sunday mornings, in the little church here in Tien Mu (the church is also called Tien Mu which translates as Mother of God). The church was very…