Month: July 2008

  • No more PFL

    Well, my foray into pillow fighting was short-lived. After my second fight, I realised I’m a lover, not a fighter. I think, also, I just really enjoy trying things out the first time. Which is all good… one more certificate to post on my wall. In other news, I bought myself a bike this summer.…

  • Reflections on Airlines in NA and Asia

    Dave got worried I had not written about my North American trip and decided to do something for me, bless him!!! This is my version! At the end of April I finally got to use my first class ticket to NA that I had claimed,with points, almost a year previously when I thought I needed…

  • weddings and things

    Yesterday Dave and I attended a Chinese wedding, the third one for me and Dave’s fifth. Now I understand a little of what goes on (they are all in Chinese) I will try and describe the event. A lot of our friends have experienced their children’s weddings lately and thus this blog may be of…