It was strange to read about my mom’s illness in her weblog. I was glad to have such a tool, however, otherwise I might not have heard about it until after she’d had the operation! (I’m hard to reach on Monday-Tuesday). As it was, I didn’t hear about it until at least 12 hours after she went in to the hospital… anyway, I’m just glad to hear she’s doing well.
My final week of school is wrapping up. I’m working on making a book for my Typography 2 class – this should be interesting. Went to the library Tues. afternoon and got a couple of books on how to make books (they didn’t have much, as it was my local city library). They’re all children’s books, but at least it will be simple. Got a couple of books on graphic design too, which got me kind of excited as limited as the selection was. Now I want to go back and look for more… but I know they just don’t have the design collection my school has. Ah, well.
That’s all for now. Thanks for all your emails! Now start leaving comments at the end of our posts, too! 🙂
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