Where was I? Oh yes. You will be pleased to know that I now have a dictionary by my side, as even I recognised some of the spelling wasn’t right.

I had the op Tues a.m. Turned out to be a burst appendix which was situated a little higher than normal, hence the confusing symptoms. They cleaned me up and I was sent to a ward in Oncology (not in this dictionary) which deals with bladder and bowl problems mostly, I believe, judging by my experience. Anyway I was in surgery.

It was a beautiful new hospital and the nurses and cleaners and tea ladies were wonderful, especially as most of the patients were elderly ladies with all kinds of awful problems, mostly leading to them having to use a commode in the middle of the night to have diarrhea into!!!! I ended up sticking an orange peel on my nose to help with the smell – yes of course they all thought I was mad, but it was that or I would have been constantly sick!

Eventually they let me out on Sat. lunch time after I had had a bowl movement ( I was the only one who couldn’t go). They thought I might have Shingles, but after the Dr. came to my house (they do house calls here) yesterday it turns out I have Pleurisy for which I have antibiotics and some stronger pain killers because it hurts to breathe in. Anyway I feel better each day and am able to do a little more each day, still need rests but am definitely on the mend.

Needless to say the unpacking will be on hold now until after Christmas. I have just discovered today that my husband has presumably put the Christmas decorations in the loft, ignoring the strict instructions I had given him to leave them out because we would need them!!!! He is in Taiwan untill the 14th Dec. I guess I am going up in the loft!!!! Am I angry? What do you think?

More later.






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