Happy 1st of April! Anyone April fool you? We started the day with clouds and then rain after a month of glorious sunshine. Oh well! The sun is out now.

Mother’s Day here on Sunday, Dave and I had a drive out into the country around Basingstoke. We found some lovely villages made up of lots of thatched houses, village squares and old churches. But no shops – we couldn’t believe some of them didn’t even have a sweet/newsagents shop! Guess they must be full of rich commuters who don’t care for village shops. We had a picnic by a river, think it was called the River Test. Anyway it was lovely to have a day off from “doing things to the house”.

Ok, I figured out the oil will pay to rebuild Iraq. I still think that is the only reason they are fighting this war, especially after watching a TV show the other night which explained how the world’s oil resorces are running out. We will end up with no oil, so what is being done in the meantime to prepare for this eventuality? Wouldn’t govts. be better employed in sponsering inititives in this direction rather than warmongering? Yes, I am still angry, especially as the allies don’t seem able to figure out who exactly the enemy is anyway!!!!!






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