Let’s roll this up now!
We slept in a little on our last Sat. in Port Orchard, then went into town where we browsed the market and shops, and later met Therese and Bernadette. Mum and I took off to get some photos developed and then ended up at the Cylkowski home. Andrew, Daryl and the girls came over for supper. It was Abigail’s birthday on the 4th July so we had a cake and some gifts for her. It was the last time we saw Andrew and his family.
On Sunday, Eric was returning to Chicago to start his new job on Mon. He lives and works in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He was starting as a restaurant manager. I picked up Therese and Bryan, and we went to mass at St. Gabrial’s in Port Orchard. Afterwards, we went to the fabric and bead shops in the local mall. Then we met Christine and had a late lunch/early supper, as Bernadette and Joseph had been taken out for dinner by some old friends. We met them on our return to the house – Cathy, whom I had met years ago when I was pregnant with Christina, and her husband too. Cathy came from Liverpool and moved to Chicago in the ’50s where she met her husband. We enjoyed the evening and then drove them back to our hotel, as they were staying there as well.
On Mon. Therese, Bryan, Andrew, Christine, Abigail, Hannah, Daryl and Charlotte went on a trail on Mount Rainier. I decided I wasn’t fit enough so went to Polsboro with Mum, B. and J. Polsboro is a cute Scandinavian town around the Sound. We had lunch there and went around the shops. In the evening we hung out with everyone and said our farewells.
Tues., Therese and Bryan left in the morning. Mum and I checked out of our hotel – it was a great place to stay, really good value and very comfortable. Then we did some last minute shopping and finally went to B. and J.’s to say our goodbyes. They dropped us off at a gas station so I could fill up the car. It was sad to say bye bye. I managed to get us to the airport ok and we got on the flight with no problems. This time we had to go in our proper seats, but there was extra leg room (thank heavens!), and we had our own TVs so we could watch whatever we wanted. I tried to sleep, but couldn’t. Dave picked us up when we got in and then we had a sleep after getting home.
A very good holiday. That is a wrap!
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