My arthritis (Oesteo) has been playing up lately so I went for physio today, that really helped as I have been getting bad lower back pain extending down my right leg. Anyway felt so good I went for a walk when I got back. I just want to get movement back and be fairly pain free.

We enjoyed mum and dad’s visit, although they weren’t with us very long. We manged to go to Basingstoke to a place called Milestones which is set up like old fashioned streets, it was very interesting, some of the stuff I remember from when I was little!!!

Took mum and dad down to Devon on Thurs., to visit Gerard and Kay in Shaldon. Mum and Dad stayed in a B&B and I stayed with G&K. We went to see the house they are hoping to buy, it is perfect for them. We also visited Widdicomb (Of Fair or “Vair” fame, as in “Uncle Tom Cobbley and all”). It is up in the middle of Dartmoor and the mist descended while we where there. it is a cute little place with an interesting church. Driving to it over Dartmoor was great, i have never been there before and it is just as bleak as its reputation.

Dave came on the Fri. afternoon and we took mum and Dad out for a meal to celebrate dad’s 80th birthday. It is on the 25th Oct. but he is going to entertain his old dears for a week on that day so we celebrated early.

Drove back to Reading on Sat. because I had some people coming around for supper, Linda and Sheila are helping set up a Catholic Women’s League in a parish near me. I went to mass with them on Sunday and helped with recruting after. We have 12 people interested and have set up our first meeting for 4th November. hope it goes well.






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