O.K. What do you want me to comment on? Prince Charles, the war in Iraq?
Finished Pepys, now on the 3rd part of the Lord of the Rings story. Hope to finish it before I see the movie. Also have to read a Father Brown story for the reading group I am in.
Thomas, Adam and David spent the week of 25th to 31st October with us. We had fun, it was still fairly warm then and we took them to Thorpe Park (a fun fair place) one day. It was a Hallowe’en theme so David was a little scared.
Another day, Dave took them swimming at the local pool. One day we pigged out on movies, 7 in all!!!! Another day we went to a swim park with slides. Also shopping for Christmas gifts. David got to make his own teddy bear at this one shop, it is really cute, it has its own heart and says “I love you”. They really seemed to enjoy themselves and apart from realising how hard it is to look after 3 energetic young boys, we had fun too. More power to Bernadette, she is magic in looking after them and working. They came down by train straight through from Preston but had to change at Manchester on their return They managed this perfectly while only having 5 mins to accomplish the change.
After they left, I spent a week catching up on housework and sorting out the books as well as getting some more pictures hung, still have loads to do.
At the w/e we had guests. More later.
I have been trying to publish this for 5 days now.
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