I had better post before I go to Canada on Friday.
I am over my depression now, of course!!!
Finished reading ” The Power and the Glory” and we had a discussion about it last night, the first part anyway. I have figured out why I don’t like it. Greene was a sparse writer – i.e., he used as few words as possible to describe a scene, action or person. He did a great job of creating, but I prefer writers like Dickens or Hugo.
Dave returned from Taiwan, went to Sweden last week, and he has gone again this week!!!
We had the three nephews again the last W/E in Nov. Bernadette and Graham went to France for the w/e so I picked the boys up at Luton and we went to Whipsnade Zoo. I picked them up Friday lunch time. We had a good look around with the place almost to ourselves. It was a lovely sunny day, perfect. They have lots of animals, bears, chimpanzees, deer, zebras, lots of birds and sealions.
Dave came home on Sat. morning and we went shopping with the boys. Adam had just had his birthday so wanted to spend his money. We had a birthday cake in the eve and played games. It was fun. Took them back to Luton for Sunday afternoon, after we had been to church and McDonald’s!!!!
This w/e we should have gone to Lincoln to visit friends, Dave and Gina, as well as a wonderful Christmas market which takes place in Lincoln, an old Medieval town with a Castle and Cathedral (see website). Anyway, when Dave came back from Sweden he had so much work to do, so we stayed home. While he did his work, I got caught up with Christmas cards.
I put my tree up. Yes I know, I won’t be here, but I love Christmas and it will be here when I return.
Captain’s log: star-date unknown. Signing off.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all!
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