After going on at Dave for not blogging, I haven’t written here for ages!
We are now in March! Spring is in the air, Daffodils are out, Quince is in blossom and the grass is growing, no we are not about to cut it. We are still deep in dining room renovation mode. Dave has made some plate rails for 2 of the walls, we will leave the picture rail on the other 2. I have so many plates it will be great to be able to display them again. We have the wallpaper, nothing too drastic, it has a blue stripe on cream back ground (have to think of resale). Should be able to start decorating the room this week now all the “renovation” is over.
Saturday. Susan had organized a breakfast get together with some of the Briagreen lot. Bret and Lenore, Diane and her special one, Karen and Shahere (I know this is wrong please someone correct me),Sue and Brian and me. Think this is all. Anyway we had a great breakfast and interesting discussion about kids!!! Amongst other stuff. Sue organises these breakfasts every six weeks or so in order that everyone sees each other. Otherwise they are all so busy they would never meet. I think it is a great idea.
In the evening we had all been invited around to David and Elena’s. Again another old friend who I first met in Ottawa but they had been in Montreal and had gone to our church there. Sue and Brian met them through us. We had another lovely evening
wonderful food good company, there 3 kids where there for the meal it was lovely to see them. All grown up now but charming.
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