Trish has been somewhat preoccupied for a while now.
One reason is visitors.
The most recent visitor was our old (not old age) neighbour from Canada, Joanne, and her 2 youngest daughters.
Joanne wrote a mail to a few friends and her family about her visit, so I thought it worthwhile to post that, till time permits . . . . . . .
Good Morning or Afternoon,
I thought I would take a minute or two-after kicking Alana and Marisa off the internet and say hello. It feels as if we have been on a whirl wind tour. Trish and I were trying to remember all the stuff we have done this morning and couldn’t even remember in what order we have done the sights. Everything is so amazing to see. The girls say “Oh look at Mom wondering around again with her mouth open going Oh and Ah! Which is what I am doing!!!!
At the end of each day Trish and I usually read literature on where we’ve been filling each other on what we’ve missed or how that particular monarch was put on the throne, how many mistresses etc. We laughed last night on how few people we knew of who would do this together and find it of interest. We have had many laughs together. Marisa helps us navigate around, as she can decipher maps faster than Trish. I don’t even bother trying, I look at our route after we’ve been wherever.
Yesterday the girls wandered off from us at Hampton Court. We weren’t worried, only a few thousand or so people, they knew where the car park was and also that Trish and I would close the place down. Anyway I happened to ask a guide at one checkout point- and there are many – that I couldn’t locate my two daughters and that we were looking for the maze. She said” I had 2 American girls ask me for a temporary ticket to the maze about half hour ago, perhaps they are your daughters” So at least they kneww to ask, and we found them sitting on the grass outside the maze. Trish and I got lost in the maze, apparently Marisa found the centre and the way out!
Marisa takes many pictures, but when I am not looking deletes most. She is very fussy about her pictures. I wonder where she gets that from?
Alana has read on and off this trip. She is a typical 15 year old girl. She did find the Tower of London really good she said. We saw 2 weddings at the Tower. It was quite fun. You have to be related to someone there and get permission from the Queen and The Archbishop of Cantebury. Marisa was thrilled going on subway , an old fashioned double decker bus and a taxi. All in one day, and then the train as well. We went to Kings Cross and looked for the platform where Harry Potter got on and of course I had to say it out loud and embarass the girls. The ticket agent thought it was funny.
Today is wash day, change the sheets and get Trish new shoes in Reading. Her feet are giving her lots of trouble. The weather-how boring- has been cool, damp and cloudy with some sun. It is probably better than hot for all the tourning we are doing. For sure no sun tans! Girls are missing their Dad and dog and are getting a bit homesick. Trish and I are having a great time, I thought that she and I could travel, and Dave and Paul can veg wherever for holidays from time to time. We both commented on how our husbands prefer to be home doing nothing to relax and we love to see things. Anyway thats my humor into this letter. I do wish you could all be here with us. We really do miss you all.
Love to everyone,
Joanne (and Mom)
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