Christina went back to Toronto on 29th December to celebrate the new year with her new boyfriend.
Dave and I went to Knott End with Mum and Dad on the 30th December.
Dave and I went out with Bernadette and Graham on New Years Eve. We went to the Bourne Arms first and then the Knott End Working men’s Club (my Grandfather was one of the founding members!!!!!!!!)!!! A good time was had by all, including the bingo playing ladies in the club!!!!!! (Actually Bernadette and I had a game for a laugh and it was hard to keep up!)It was good fun to be with family all over the holiday, and this New Year we had no problems with Dave and his bleeding nose!!!! However we did feel like a pack of “dog ends” at the end of the night!!!!
New Years day, we hosted a buffet at my parents house. Bernadette and all four boys came as well as Graham and his two kids, also Matthews girlfriend and Graham’s parents so we had a good house full and used all mums dishes etc. It was great to see Matthew again and he seemed to be fine although a little worried at first. His girlfriend is young but seems nice.
On the second, my birthday, we went to “T’Old Tythe Barn” in Garstang for lunch, it was a cool and windy but sunny day and we had a lovely meal followed by a drive around the area. In the evening Dave and I went around to see Bernadette one last time before we left the next day.
Dave flew back to Bangkok in the evening of the 3rd Jan and I was left to dismantle the Christmas decorations and clean and close up the house. I returned on the 14th.
I am now fully back in the swing of things here. I have been tied up the last week with The Canadian club’s monthly magazine, seems I have volunteered to do it!!!! Didn’t take long to find out I had not got a clue when it came to using the program to create it!!! Finally ended up with Dave taking it on and using a program he is familiar with, I help him with the layout and do the leg work getting it to the publisher etc. Anyway we shall see how it goes. February’s comes off the “presses” today!
Yesterday I went on a trip with the Canadian Club up to Khao(cow) Yai National Park where WildAid has an outreach project of growing mushrooms and organic farming to keep the villagers living in the park in employment. This in turn stops them from poaching the wild animals in the park and as a result lots of elephants are now in the park as well as leopards, tigers etc. Our club helps to support this project so it was very interesting to see how it operates and meet some of the reformed poachers. We had a lovely lunch of different types of mushrooms as well as fish and pork and Morning Glories (bit like spinich.
Still haven’t sorted out my volunteering, but I did hear some stories of the Tsunami and will retell them here later.
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