Ahhhhh, were does the time go!!!!!!!
Firstly I seem to have volunteered Dave and myself to edit the Club Canada Newsletter! Am I nuts!!!! Anyway, that comes out every month and is 36 pages of news and events relevant to Canadians in Bangkok, actually it is interesting to do but does take time.
Another time consuming event was Anrika’s visit which lasted 10 days. I did some firsts while she was here. Including a trip around the Grand Palace (not visited since our trip in 1990)and a memorable day out in Ayutthaya, the old Thai capital city. It became such in 1351 and after a turbulent history was finely destroyed by the Burmese in 1767. It is now a town filled with at least 43 ruined temples which have been partially restored, it is rather like visiting the Mexican temples of the Mayans, because of the heat, not the architecture. Their are overtones of Greece, lots of the stone Buddhas have heads missing which are in museums. It was interesting and I hope to be able to take Christina there when she is with us in April/ May.
Chinese New year came and went without us really doing much. Anrika was here and as she lives in China she wasn’t too interested in going to China town! Dave was in France and the first day of Chinese, or lunar, New Year was also Ash Wednesday, although the church here gave us permission to fast on either Wed. Thurs. or Fri. Then too it was valentine’s Day, fortunately Dave returned early that morning so we had a nice day and meal that Tip, my maid, had cooked. It enabled Anrika to spend some time with Dave as he had been away when she first came.
I see we are almost at the end of February and it is getting hotter, apparently it is now the hot season and has been since mid January!!!! Next is the rainy season which starts in Bangkok about mid May and continues until mid Oct. With the worst months being July and Aug.
I went on a trip to a wonderful pottery and acquired an elephant which is sitting outside the door and a small ceramic table upon which we have set up a waterfall. We also have a large pot with fish in it,they keep having babies so now we are facing a population explosion. I am amazed at how easy it is to keep tropical fish here, they don’t need artificial air (we have plants in the water)or heat (it is outside and the sun keeps it warm) and they are thriving.
Also went to a talk by a Dr. Julia about what we eat and how it affects us. I was very turned off by her appearance (50 years old and anerexic looking. She claims she never eats the flesh of animals or fish, any dairy produce, wheat, Soya, peanuts, certain fruits, (because of the GM’s)and she never cooks any food. She dehydrates stuff and eats the rest raw. I just couldn’t get past all the stuff you couldn’t eat!!! Also claims we need to be “cleaned” out regulary and they do it at her clinic but very invasive. We can clean ourselves out by fasting for a few days. Also claimed we mostly all have “things” living inside us. I had nightmares for a few days after imagining being devoured from the inside out!!!!!!
On that note I will leave you, happy eating!!!!!!!!!
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