I can’t tell if anyone other than my parents is reading this blog anymore. Anybody out there? Hellloooo? Hehe 🙂
I wasn’t going to do this until I redesigned the site, but I’ve added the link to my portfolio and weblog to the right of this entry, as part of my supplemental links. I post in that blog a little more often than here, about my side projects and life in Toronto.
So, on top of the little design things I’m working on at home after my regular work, my personal life is going well. The boyfriend is studying at Waterloo and I see him on a weekly basis. I work out almost daily (well, when I’m not feeling ill, like this week). I’m eating well.
Just found out I have a week off for Christmas, on top of my regular vacation time. That’s awesome!
Other than that, I’m trying to save up for a possible trip to England in the summer with the boy. If that doesn’t work out, I’ll invest the money or something.
It’s grown quite cold here now. It snows regularly, though the snow also melts regularly. It’s quite pretty though, when it’s coming down. Currently, there is bright sunshine and snow is flurrying about in all directions. Quite lovely.
Well, must be off. I recommend you check out the Links section of the site, as I’ve added quite a few family member’s websites.
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