Seems we haven’t told about Christmas. Jan and Bernie spent the time with us. Good for them and us as this was our first Christmas without ‘the baby’. We went to Midnight mass at midnight, it was beautiful. Lots of people of course, lovely choir, they had been practicing for ages. Dave hired a car so we could get there and back easily.
Dave got up at 6am to put the turkey in the oven and then went back to bed. We all opened our gifts around 10am, no bacon butties because we were eating lunch early.
The Swedish family arrived about noon and proceeded to give us some Glug, Swedish mulled wine served with ginger biscuits and chopped nuts and raisins, delicious. We had arranged to share a Swedish smorgsboard and traditional turkey dinner which we did, everyone trying something of each others, we kept the portions small and enjoyed it very much. We had to eat early as Eve and Lars were leaving for Phuket at 7pm Christmas evening so that they would be there for the Tsunamie rememberance services the next day. Eve had gone to Phuket on 26th Dec. 2004 to help all the Swedish people after the disaster and was invited back this year to share in the rememberances.
After they had left we played some games and had a few more drinks to toast absent family and friends around the world and to give thanks for another lovely Christmas.
Yes, we missed Christina, Jan and Bernie really helped though and next christmas we hope to be together.
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