Well, just had a trip to the UK for 2 days of meetings in Reading. I was REALLY looking forward to seeing the house, after 14 months away; and of course it was also a chance to break the February Blahs. Here’s a pic of the garden – just a memory.
In the end I got into the uK with a cold and a dose of food poisoning that between them (and on top of the jet lag) wiped me out for 2 days.
I did enjoy the house for a few days though, and got to see my Aunt Phyllis into the bargain (pic below – isn’t she lovely at 69?), as well as catching up with the Bombardier (RCS – our Division) management team.
I went into the local while I was home. All the talk was about the new non-smoking legislation that is coming in next year. Otherwise it felt like I was on East Enders!! Good beer, but “interesting” people.
Back in Bangkok after only 6 days away, but still it feels strange to be back. I can’t figure out where I am now, and being back in the office just brings out my jet lag again. Thankfully I’m over the cold and the runs anyway.
Angkor Wat in Cambodia this coming weekend.
Good eh?
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