The End – penultimate w/e

All good things come to an end, and next w/e we leave Bangkok. Tonight is our final farewell party (we had one before, for my work – this one is for all the rest of Bangkok (Tricia’s friends)). We have had a great time here, but are looking forward to the year end festivities in the UK; then on to a new adventure.
Last weekend was the Ploenchit Fair here. That’s the British Expat’s contribution to charity bashes, an anual event since 1946 or there abouts. A typical english country fair?

As you can see, everyone having the usual good time at an all day drinking session.

It came complete with music too – John, Paul, George and Ringo (Thai style – actually the’re pretty good).

Before that weekend was the annual “Silly Hat Day” for expats, led this time by the Aussie’s. This one is the Melbourne cup where all the women gather and launch the day with champage, after which it’s all downhill. This is “la femme” in this year’s contribution from the Habberjam family – Ride a Cock Horse, complete with Banbury Cross hat and mop-cock horse.

Meanwhile, while I have been away my wife has taken to going to our local pub, on her own, frequently (yep – even in the afternoons!). She has become quite a character in the pub there, and has her own corner stool. I believe she is known affectionally as “Norm” to the bar staff and locals.

What do we do for an encore – read the Taipei news next year and see.






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