26 May was the British Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan annual ball.
The theme was Glam Rock, and we were encouraged to dress up.
Well,as you guessed, here we are, wearing stuff largely made by Tricia.
There were lot of attendees, around 400 is my guess.Met some interesting people.
Didn’t win anything for the costume, but had fun anyway.
The guy that won the best outfit was dressed as Freddy Mercury.
This week (9 June) is Canadian networking night, then on 12 June I am invited by the Railway here to ride a steam train as part of their 120th anniversary celebration. After that on 16 June we have a wedding to go to and then wrap up the month with Canada D’eh celebration – an all day BBQ on the beach and drunk – on 30 June.
Like I said before – lousy job, but somebody has to do it.
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