My Mum died. Mum died at 2:15 A.M. on 13th May 2009. Mum died in Victoria hospital Blackpool. Mum was surrounded by her husband, two daughters son in law and four grandsons. We all loved her and we all miss her. My Mum was the best mum in the whole world, just like my daughter is the best daughter in the whole world (to me).
Mum had gone into hospital on 1st April 2009 to have a replacement hip operation. Much consternation, consideration and consultation had gone into this decision, not to mention the extreme pain mum was suffering with the pain in her hip. The operation was successful, they used an epidural type of local anesthetic so mum was awake during the operation, which she didn’t seem to mind.
I returned to England from Taiwan on 6th April and went up to Knott End on 8th April, mum seemed happy but her ankles were swollen a lot, she was walking around, just. After almost two weeks in hospital they decided to move her to a Rehabilitation centre in Bispham. Mum made friends there as she had done in the hospital and was ok at first but as time went on her legs swelled even more and started to leak water out of the pores. However they allowed her to return home making her very happy. People came to visit and she had loads of cards and flowers.
Mum was getting fed up because she couldn’t really go out. We went to see the Dr. and he took some tests. I had arranged to return to my house in Reading to take my daughter to the airport and to meet my husband on his return to UK.
We were/are in the middle of moving out of our house and their was a lot to do. I returned on Wed 29th April and kept in touch with mum by phone. On Tues 12 May when I called, Dad answered and said they were taking mum into hospital as she was in terrible pain with her legs and couldn’t go to the toilet.
About 8:30pm Dad phoned me again to tell me the hospital had called and he was going to hospital as they didn’t give Mum long to live. This was a big shock to me, I told Dad to go around to Bernadette’s and I phoned B. By now Dave was throwing things into a suitcase while I called the hospital who told me mum’s heart was not strong and they didn’t expect her to survive the night. We left Reading at 9:30pm and got to the hospital in Blackpool at 1:30A.M. Thank God we were in time, I was still in shock and couldn’t believe mum was going to die. In the end mum’s breathing changed and she quietly slipped away.
Mum was born on 19th December 1922 and died on 13th May 2009. Mum is greatly missed.
Mum had Cellulitus in her legs and the cause of death was Congestive Cardiac Failure and Sepsis, Atrial Fibrillation.
I will write about her funeral n in the next blog.
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