Our New House

We have moved into a house in Kemptville Ontario. It is situated on 4+ acres of land and we love it or we did until…………..

We took over possession on 16th Nov. and our furniture arrived from UK on Wed. 25th Nov. We spent our first night in the house last night.
Yesterday the roofers began to replace the roof, it started to rain last night and this morning it turned to snow!!!! When Dave went down to the basement to start plumbing in the washing machine he found we have a leak!!!! Most of the basement is finished so it has travelled a ways before we found it. We have discovered the source of the leak, a crack in the foundation wall with an indentation in the ground beside it thus enabling water to accumulate there and seep into the basement. We are in the process of trying to find who will pay for repairs!!!!

Otherwise we are loving living here, we are very happy to be back in Canada, it is where our hearts are, all we need now is for the family to follow! Actually it really isn’t that far across the pond after living in Asia.

More later, I have work to do






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