Today I did some real cleaning, it got to the point where the dust bunnies’ were turning into baby elephants thus making me realize I should get out the vacuum!!!
Still raining, what a difference the sun makes.
Spoke to a couple of friends and Christina is back on line so saw the grandkids.
I do not know where the days slip away too, I guess we get up later but still the days fly.
The WHO has completely ignored the great progress Taiwan has made in fighting this virus, lumping it in with mainland China. Taiwan actually did a wonderful job of stopping the spread which could have engulfed this small island. Taiwan has been a country in its own right since Chiang Kai- Shek escaped with the Kuomintang to the island in 1949. he ruled there until his death in 1975.
I think it would be a good idea to test as many people as possible to see who has Covid 19 but are not displaying symptoms. i am talking about Canada here.
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