What exciting times we live in. Me and a small group of friends just experimented with Zoom this afternoon to see how we would cope with it. We hope to be able to use it to have a virtual book club meeting. Our membership is what might be termed “older” so some of the steps involved (very few) took us a little while to master. But overall it is looking good.
Another friend of mine has “Skype dinners” with other members of the family so that they get to interact with each other.
I still find it a very odd way of living, spending a lot of time in front of the computer.
Have you noticed how all the news is the same? Doesn’t’ matter which country you check out the news is all very similar, I try not to watch and just catch up once a day on line with a quick look at BBC and CBC websites. Someone is asking about the USA elections in November? Yes, November. The world is a whole different place!
It gets harder to find enthusiasm for the evenings entertainment, more left overs and a tv series, yawn.
Can we take showers yet or do we just keep washing our hands?
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