What a lovely day! Poached eggs on toast for breakfast. Mass on TV, strange days indeed.
I went out in the garden and weeded under some of the bushes i know will soon leaf out and make it impossible to get at the bases. I wasn’t able to do this last year and the weeds just took over the garden. I hope to be able to arrest the development this year. Still no spring flowers open, it has been too cold and dull for them. I do not mind as soon i know we will have to deal with mosquitoes and i would rather not.
We had a lovely Skype call with the family in Whitby. We had lamb they had sausages and we shared stories and laughs and demands from Max (15 months no words yet only loud demands). Then we adjurend to the living room and watched the kids play and dance to Carma Camelia (Boy George). Lots of fun.
Stay safe and Sane and have some fun.
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