Today was a late start. Went back to bed, after breakfast, with the cats and slept. It rained all day but was warmish so after I arose we went for a walk down the garden to see what was growing. It is amazing what a bit of warm rain can do. I think the trees will come into leaf now, certainly the daffodils and tulips are ready to open any day.
We went food shopping later and stopped for a chat with a neighbour whom we haven’t encountered lately, that is one of the things you miss, casual meetings with friends.
Dave fell asleep in front of TV last night, he cannot stay up late anymore.
Captain Tom’s birthday today, 100!! They made a fuss of him and the RAF did a flyover of his home with a Spitfire and a Hurricane. Amazing guy!
The Russian Prime Minister has tested positive for the Coronavirus.
Trump has claimed China wants him to loose the upcoming US election. They are not alone in their thinking!
1 person is confirmed dead and 5 others are still missing from the crash of the Canadian military helicopter that went missing yesterday. It is certain the crash was not caused by a shootdown from another country but the cause of the crash reamins unknown.
I did some knitting today after leaving it alone for weeks, I intend to finish this item which was a Christmas gift from a friend.
Costco is asking people in Canada to wear masks when they visit its stores, starting on Monday!
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