Another lovely sunny day after a little rain last night. It got so hot in the sun around 1pm I had to seek out some shade to continue my gardening. I finally finished the one bed I have been working on. It has a few bushes growing in it, but a large part was given over to weeds which, for the first time in 10 years, been evicted! I managed to save some delicate forget-me-knots and they are thriving. I have planted a few pansies and something called Fairy Wings which I am looking forward to seeing in flower. Their are also a few iris, and some holly hocks as well as tulips and daffodils. But a large expanse remains empty, I hope to sow some poppy seeds later as well as plant more perennials.
While I was rescuing the forget-me-knots, I was reminded of a very good friend who sadly died too soon. She had a large share of adversity and illness in her life and found it a struggle to live a ‘normal’ life. She lost a young child, many years ago now, but she once told me they loved forget-me-knots and ever since my friend passed away I have made sure to have these flowers in my garden. Thus each spring I am reminded of my friend and her young child and i think of them with happiness as I find the flowers are cheery. and I love the colour blue.
Is it really Sunday and the 3rd May! How long will this strange existence continue? I could get used to the “not having anything to do or anywhere to be” feeling but then i miss the grandchildren, friends and socialising.
Dave has started to paint the steps to our front deck and we both discovered that Bug season is upon us! Now the warm weather has arrived so have the black flies and mosquitoes, I love and hate this time of year because of the bugs. Oh well I shall have to get the bug spray out!
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