“Ring a Ring of Roses”

Think this was Gerard’s and Bernadette’s birthday party in 1964, at Ashness.

Apparently I am late to the game, when the Coronavirus first hit UK it was proposed singing this song while washing your hands was the right amount of time needed;

Ring a Ring of Roses, A Pocket full of Posies, A-tishoo, A-tishoo, We all fall down!

Folklore scholars regard the common belief that this rhyme came about during the plague years with skepticism. For further explanations see Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_a_Ring_o%27_Roses#:~:text=%20%20%20%20%22Ring%20a%20Ring%20o%27,%20Audio%20samples%20Play%20Marlborough%20%28help%C2%B7inf%20…%20

The reason for this title is that I awoke last night with it in my head and it struck me as appropriate as i believed it to be about the great plague of 1665 in England. I have since learned this idea is not true, the theory only raised its head in the mid 20th Century. Still it is a good game.

A lot has happened since I last wrote.

I have been feeling strange about all the changes taking place in our society and after reading an article, in one of the papers, on the w/e I am starting to understand why. When the Coronavirus first hit this country, back in mid March, everything was suddenly shut down. I was completely shocked and this made me very angry, among other emotions. I eventually came to terms with my feelings and arrived at a position where i was reasonably happy and appreciative of my life and my husband. Lately I have enjoyed the improved weather and my garden immensely and even now when it is very hot and dry, I still enjoy going into it. However these changes are taking place all around me some of them i am enjoying but others give me anxiety. I love being able to eat out again in restaurants (patios), being able to visit the dentist is welcome, as is getting my hair cut. But I do not relish the idea of going to an airport, getting on a ‘plane and flying somewhere, even though I would still love to visit places. I expect i will come to terms with these changes, I suspect more are on the way as the wearing of face masks seems to be going to made mandatory all over Ontario. Watch this space.






One response to ““Ring a Ring of Roses””

  1. David Habberjam Avatar
    David Habberjam

    The latest “mandatory” rule is face masks (not face shields) in all readily accessible public places.
    Seems to me we are now going backwards as a lot of people that were trying to get out there under phase II will think twice about going out.
    AND . . they will review this at the end of September -3 months from now (that’s even after back-to-school).
    I still think all of these rules have been adopted as the easy answer to all the politicians and leaders as they now have an easy life (no responsibilities) and the perfect excuse for doing nothing but giving away money and running up massive debts.

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