It was made compulsory to wear face masks in public indoor spaces from Tuesday this week. That was in our area. I have worn my face shield before, but apparently this is not considered a good substitute. I was checking out the rules about mask wearing and have decided I would rather not know as their are far too many. I must admit it might make me think twice about going into too many public places, i hate wearing masks and feel i might even give myself Covid 19.
While I hate wearing masks of any kind i will of course comply with the orders or stay home. I have just seen on the news that a group of people in Toronto have been protesting the wearing of masks, i want to make it clear i am not part of that group even though I truly believe if not worn correctly (of course everyone will do that, NOT) they can cause problems in passing on the virus. not to mention the fact people wearing them think it is ok not to social distance.
Did i mention i got a second prize for my Canada Day Lady?
It is still very hot and humid and with no rain as yet, it is beginning to look very dry, please please rain.
The US has now reached 3 million Coronavirus victims, a real surge because a lot of the States reopened too early. The President isn’t’ helping by refusing to wear a mask and encouraging the young to ignore social distancing because they will be ok. Guess what? They are not ok.
It is a tragedy what has happened to Hong Kong. The crack down by China against the pro democracy protesters while not unexpected is something we hoped would not happen. i guess China just cannot deal with Freedom for its people. I hope we can welcome a number of the people here in Canada.
This will connect you to BBC information about a book to be released on 14th July written by Donald Trump’s niece. It sounds very interesting.
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