Bye Bye World, For Now

Not sure where, 1975/6.

We are plunged into despair yet again.

It is this compulsory face mask business that is bugging me. I hate wearing them as my glasses fog up or the material gets in the way of my eyes, I cannot breath properly so am breathing through my mouth, quite heavily and when the weather is hot they are unbearable. I feel really bad for workers in hot kitchens or on hot patios. I just think this policy is crazy. Before they made it a rule I was wearing a mask when needed, like hairdressers, hospitals, etc., but when I could keep my distance (no one is doing that now!!) I would go without.

We just had a message from the church, explaining that we would have to wear a mask during the service and only one person would be allowed to sing. I have decided that I do not want to attend, I cannot see me wearing a mask during the service.

I guess the powers that be finally figured out that keeping everything closed or socially distanced until they find a vaccine is probably not viable financially. Thus if we all wear masks, we can get back to “normal”. Not for me. I shall be self isolating if doing things involves wearing a mask.

Finally the hot dry weather has broken, we had about an inch of heavy rain last night and awoke to grey skies, 20C and more rain. The garden is looking very happy as a result, but much more is needed. Also was attacked by hoards of insects, when I was walking around!

I have been weeding, the rain stopped about 2pm and the temperature started to go up, I was covered in bug spray and quite enjoyed the time i spent pulling up well established weeds and some Lily of the Valley that was threatening parts of the garden i do not want it in. I know this lily is very invasive and hard to get rid of but I love it even though the aroma of the flowers is so short lived in the spring. I remember it being in the garden of the first home i ever lived in, thus I enjoy it.

I came in dripping with sweat, it is humid again now, the temperature reminds me of Bangkok in the rainy season; the rain cools it off for a little and then the steamy heat comes back. Very good for the skin.

Did i mention I finally got my hair cut yesterday? My fringe (Bangs to Canadians, does anyone know why?) was very long and getting on my nerves, not to mention being a bit raggedy. Looks much neater now.






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