Month: March 2007

  • After CNY – lantern festival

    The week after the Chinese New Year holidays was lantern festival. The big display was in the grounds of the Chiang Kai Shek memorial hall. These are some pictures of the Lantern “floats” – there were about 40. This year is the year of the pig – as you can see!

  • Street market, prep for Chinese New Year

    Chinese New Year took up the whole 2nd half of February, and then into March.These pictures were taken at a special pre New Year street market.It was VERY crowded here, but really interesting. People were buying lots of stuff, ready for the celebration.The actual holiday (a week off work) lasted from 17-25 February, but there…

  • digital media ruminations

    This week my work hosted a conference specifically addressing technological issues in the book industry. It was a fantastic forum for harvesting ideas and, I believe, if publishers were open-minded and fore-thinking enough to look at some of the panelists’ presentations in metaphorical terms, could stimulate some interesting new directions for marketing the creation of…

  • Mum

    Mum went into hospital on 9th March for her Mastectomy. We had to be at the hospital for 7:30am, mum could have her last meal before 6am. My sister and I escorted her to the hospital where she was spoken to by the anesthetist around 9am and then began the long wait. Mum was scheduled…

  • I have been in UK for 10 days now. My mum’s operation went well and she is recovering nicely. I will write more about this later. My flight over to UK was extremely eventful.I travelled with Cathy Pacific which flew me first into Hong Kong where I had a pleasant but boring wait in the…

  • orage snowboard clothing

    I finally broke down and bought a really cool Orage snowboarding suit. I’d been eyeing up the Byng jacket all winter, but I was undecided on which colour, and couldn’t find a price I was willing to pay. All of a sudden one day, my searches for this jacket proved boundlessly fruitful. I pulled up…