Category: design

  • ontario’s new trillium logo

    An interesting article on Ontario’s new trillium logo appeared in the Toronto Star today. Critics dislike that the Liberal party spent $219,000 on redesigning the logo (devaluation of design, anybody?). The opposition is outright accusing the Liberals of having had it redesigned to look like the trillium in their party’s logo. I think they’re just…

  • the meanings that logos accrue

    DesignObserver has an excellent article on how logos build meaning over time. I recommend this not just for other designers, but for people who hire designers also. I particularly like this extract: “We decided to recommend a straightforward sans serif font. Predictably, this recommendation was greeted by complaints: it was too generic, too mechanical, too…

  • the importance of your website’s content

    I’ve noticed a bit of a trend lately in many of the web pages that appear; get excited about creating a website, have it designed, and… leave it empty. This is doing your business no good. Having a website is a great idea; leaving your page to then sit without content is not a great…

  • when handwriting needs refinement

    I just have to comment on this post. I started watching the new Doctor Who 2005 series recently and was taken with the female main character who, for once, is not the typical annorexically-inclined, yet somehow still buffed up female actor that graces North American screens these days. Despite that, she is very pretty (intended…

  • busy spring

    Things are getting exciting for me t · creative. I’m now working on websites, and other supporting marketing materials, for a couple of clients. I’ve got a couple more developing into longer-term projects to be rolled out over the summer, on top of efforts to renew my own online image. The redesign for my portfolio…

  • data structures

    I forgot to post this site up. A while ago, I went to a Flash In Toronto gathering and met a guy called Marc there. He works on mathematical applications of Flash and needed a little creative help with his website. So, I set him up with a CSS file (which he later modified), and…


    I just finished coding my friend’s portfolio site, It took quite a bit of fine-tuning with CSS IE hacks to make it work in both Mozilla and IE, but it now does. You should go look – Peter has a very interesting outlook on designing, and I’m chuffed with my HTML+CSS (and a bit…

  • indance

    I went to a Flash in Toronto event a while back, and had the pleasure of meeting Kajica of MediaBright. He gave me the opportunity to help him work on his latest project: InDance. Kajica designed and coded the site. I helped out with the backend Flash and photograph organization. It was a great opportunity…

  • the logo design process

    The process of logo design is an involved one. I’ve gone through at least three or four ideas for the t·creative logo, and I’m at the point now where I’ve determined a manner in which I want to arrive at it. What does that mean? Well, I want to use ink and brush to create…