Category: general
where did everyone go?
Well, no one’s posted here in a while. My parents have retired and moved to Kemptville, ON, where they own a beautiful property on which they are both working vigorously to turn into a welcoming home. In fact, they’ve put in a lot of work on it in the past couple of years and it’s…
a musing (are you bemused?)
Who cares what you have to say? comes the voice from within every time I begin to write. You’re nobody important. Why bother, when there’s already a million people clamouring for attention, with both far more, and far less, important things to say? and so I pepper my blogging platform with half-written entries, this voice…
Super free day!
Today is super-free day! At work, we Had “haircuts and hot dogs” day in celebration of getting placed as one of the 2010 Best Workplaces in Canada. And Starbucks was giving away free coffee to anyone who brought in a mug. I gotta say though, it was really watery compared to usual… Still a good…
Celebrity-spotting: if only this made me more important
I’ve been complaining a bit that I’ve been in downtown Toronto for two years, and haven’t seen any celebrities yet. Well, it appears the summer-fall 2007 was meant to change all that. In the past month I’ve seen: Ross Hull You’d know him from Are You Afraid of the Dark and Student Bodies, if anything.…
A real spy-gal
So I just jumped out of a plane… ahhh, yep, that’s right. Pulled meself out onto the plane’s wheel, 3,000 feet in the air, then hung onto its wing for a few seconds and… let go… I’m a convert.
canada day geekout
Happy Canada Day! I had loads of fun making the graphic above (click to view the full-size version). I first did a few Google image searches to find photos of land and landmarks from all across Canada. My search took me from Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto, and onward to the Prairies, a bit north…
commenting fixed
Just a quick note to say that I finally realised commenting has been broken on my blog since I installed the new template for it. Sorry about that! Anyway, it’s back up now, so if there was anything you were burning to respond to – please do. Although I know it’s probably “too late” now.…
the problem with commercialism today
Andy Budd has written a blog post outlining precisely what is wrong with companies that deal with consumers on any level these days. It’s one of many similar stories I’ve run into lately, across various blogs. It’s true, I’ve seen all of this kind of treatment in my own life, and it’s frustrating. It makes…
how much are you willing to pay for you?
My computer died the other day. Over the weekend it had had some problems accessing one of my hard drives, and Windows was running very slowly. I attempted surgery on it Monday night, but to no avail. Indeed, I believe I may have mucked it up further by attempting (and failing spectacularly) to re-install Windows.…
not a wakeup call you want every day
This morning I dreamt that a man, deep in the midst of feeling sorry for himself, attempted to commit suicide on the driveway of my house. He shot himself through the mouth into the back of his head and it was incredibly messy (think Fight Club). He didn’t die, however, and wandered about moaning pitifully…