Category: Uncategorised

  • I keep getting nagged for not doing this – boy I wish my day job would go away! I have been away a lot in the weeks, again. Not to Asia, as I thought, but to Sweden. We won the contract in Korea, which will be engineered out of Sweden, and I have been helping…

  • It is Ash Wednesday – the start of Lent. Yesterday we had pancakes – delicious! We are going to church tonight. I went for a walk today. It was lovely and sunny with a sharp north east wind. A type of tree is in bloom at the moment – it has tiny white flowers. I…

  • Captain’s Log, stardate… er… whatever. I have started to take the wallpaper off the dining room walls. Trouble is, being ADD, I cannot stay doing it for long, so I hop about doing other things like blogging and emailing and ironing and unblocking drains and washing and reading. Christmas… again! It was great to see…

  • This is the third time I have attempted to update this log!!! First time, I gave up because Dave came home. Second time we had a power cut, lets hope this time I will succeed. I have not posted for awhile because I went up to my Mum and Dad’s for 10 days, in order…

  • I just had a great, relaxing weekend. I haven’t had such a one in a long, long time. What a way to kick off reading week! Friday night I went out to Vinnie’s with Jacqueline, Mike and a few other friends of ours. It was a fun evening of walking around downtown T.O. while waiting…

  • Life’s very busy right now. Even though next week is reading week, I don’t think I’m going to get much of a break. But it’s all good… I have to take a 3 week internship at the end of this year, so I’m planning on going to England for the last 3 weeks of April…

  • We finally did it! Dave knocked the wall down yesterday! Our dining room was originally the kitchen of this house, consequently, because it was originally built in the early ’50’s, it had a larder in the corner. We decided to get rid of it to make more room. First we washed the carpet, then took…

  • Captain’s log. Star Date: now. Christmas continued: New Year’s Eve we went to Geri and Ian’s as we were going to a dinner dance organized by the Scottish Club of Mississauga. It was lovely and we would have had a good time except for Dave’s nose bleed. The poor guy, spent most of the evening…

  • We celebrated Chinese New Year on Sat night. Dave made a delicious meal – the soup would have been good but he was going to strain the bits out of the stock so he took the colander and placed it in the sink, then he poured the soup into it – he was left with…

  • I am determined to catch up with this. If I owe you an email, please be patient. Susan held a welcome back party for me, which was lovely. Joy invited me to a wedding shower for Dianne. Who would want to leave? Dave should have arrived on the 20th but decided to take a later…