Category: Uncategorised

  • I Want to be Free

    Still freezing cold here and snow in the wind, sun came out later in the day. It is supposed to warm up for Thursday! We shall wait and see. It would be nice to have some warmth, even with the bugs! The British Prime Minister gave a speech last night about how the response to…

  • Mother’s Day

    What a nice day, breakfast in bed, with Skype call from my daughter and grandson, then got out in the garden despite the chill. It meant I wasn’t eaten by the bugs so i was happy. Have started on the second front bed now, that is more complicated becuase it has a lot more plants…

  • Did someone say Snow?

    Yesterday we awoke to a white covering caused by hailstones, this was soon followed by snow flurries and topped by a very cold wind. It went below freezing last night and today it is only around 0C in the shade, again with an icy wind! So much for spring. The spring flowers are used to…

  • Victory in Europe

    May 8th 1945, Churchill announced the end of the war in Europe and suggested the people might like a small celebration while understanding that the war with Japan was still in progress. That wouldn’t end until August 1945. The Queen has given a speech remembering her Father’s of 75 years ago. Below is a link…

  • After the Storm….

    Another day, this one is my uncles birthday! Decided i had better get my WI stuff sorted out, I have rather neglected the sorting out of forms etc. Didn’t seem urgent as we are not having any meetings, but i still fgeel i should tidy up the loose ends in case stuff starts up again.…

  • Tempus Fugit

    Well it does. How long has this thing been going on? Here in Canada I remember everything being shut down sometime in the week of 16th March, that means we are in the 8th week now. I know friends and family are struggling to cope with this new reality. All around the world everyone’s lives…

  • Books and Gardens

    Another beautiful sunny day but rather cool with an icy wind. Took a trip downtown to collect a book I had ordered from the local used book store. i like to try and give my business to local stores. I paid for it on line and picked it up from the front step. It is…

  • A Little of What You Fancy…

    May the Fourth, also known as Star Wars Day. Its use was first noted on 4th May 1979 when Maggie Thatcher took over as Prime minister of UK and the Conservatives congratulated her in the London Evening News by the statement “May the fourth be with you Maggie, congratulations” The month of May also seems…

  • of warmth, bugs and friends

    Another lovely sunny day after a little rain last night. It got so hot in the sun around 1pm I had to seek out some shade to continue my gardening. I finally finished the one bed I have been working on. It has a few bushes growing in it, but a large part was given…

  • Strange Names and Other Things

    In our basement bathroom, I have a book called “The Pendle Witches” by Walter Bennet. It was first published in 1957, my edition is 1993. It is a sad story of prejudice and superstitious fear. A true tale set in an area of Lancashire near where I come from. The so called Pendle Witches are…