Keeping in touch across the miles

  • May Day

    The day started out cloudy but i had house work to do, couldn’t be put off longer. Also wrote a long letter to a friend and other computer stuff. May Day celebrations have been cancelled in most places or took place on line. I think it is a holiday w/e in UK though what difference…

  • April Showers….

    Today was a late start. Went back to bed, after breakfast, with the cats and slept. It rained all day but was warmish so after I arose we went for a walk down the garden to see what was growing. It is amazing what a bit of warm rain can do. I think the trees…

  • Remember When?

    Another gardening day. I will have to start on the house work soon. Lots of computer work also done. Was remembering past vacations, perhaps taken too much for granted that we were able to go where ever we wanted. UK Boris and partner have a baby boy, all well as far as we know. Dame…

  • Messing About

    A very beautiful day. Again I decided gardening over housework. First I had to pop into town and do a pick up from our local consignment/ children’s toy store. It is shut down due to the virus, but has an online store and i had picked a couple of things for the grands. Took them…

  • Musings

    Another week just begun. Went for a walk to the river at the end of the property alone because Dave had gone out. it was a pleasant saunter, while I was down there I leant against a tree and watched the water and thought for a few minutes how perfect it was. Somehow being surrounded…

  • Points of View

    The US of A has started to lift restrictions in more and more of its Sates. I think this is a bit worrying. I do not want Americans coming to Canada bringing the virus with them. Perhaps they can be checked at the boarder. I also will not be going there anytime soon, they are…

  • To Polish or Not

    Another Saturday in the month of April, the month when the Coronavirus took over the whole world. Except this Saturday is ANZAC Day. The 25th April was chosen as the day to commemorate and remember Australian and New Zealand soldiers after the debacle at Gallipoli which started on this date in 1915. They proved themselves…

  • Of indoor plants and people

    Washing the kitchen floor, i was thinking about my house plants they seem ok despite being stuck in the house their whole lives. They ‘bloom and grow’ merrily away with only the occasional repotting or fertilising. Perhaps in my next life I will be a house plant? Spent the day indoors supposedly cleaning but not…

  • All dolled up with somewhere to go

    What an exciting day! I dressed in decent clothes for once, dusted of my hearing aid, plugged in some earrings and made sure my hair was brushed. All this in order to take my van to the garage where it was getting its winter tyres removed and regular ones fitted. Dave followed in his car…

  • Earth Day

    Today was brilliant sunshine but very cold north east wind. I gardened but the only way I could do it was by staying in the sun and using gloves. Their is a massive clean up to do on the garden which is why it is taking me so long. First time I have really had…

Got any book recommendations?